Private Care Agency Appleby

Health Services in Appleby

  1. The Appleby Medical Practice  provides a wide range of medical services, including GP consultations, nursing services, health checks, vaccinations, and more

  2. Westmorland General Hospital is located in nearby Kendal, Cumbria. It provides a wide range of medical services, including accident and emergency services, outpatient clinics, diagnostic imaging, and more.

  3. Appleby Dental Practice has a range of dental services, including check-ups, cleaning, fillings, extractions, and more

  4. Boots provide a range of services, including dispensing prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, health advice, and more

Social Activities for Older People in Appleby

There are several social activities available for older people in Appleby including:

Appleby Hub is a community centre located in Appleby-in-Westmorland, a market town in Cumbria, England. The centre provides a wide range of services and activities for the local community, including events, classes, workshops, and facilities for hire.

Age UK provides support and social activities for older people. The local branch in Cumbria provides a range of activities, including social events, exercise classes, and information and advice services.

Local church groups: 

  • St Lawrence's Church is a Church of England parish church.  It’s an active church with regular services, including Holy Communion and Morning Prayer.
  • Appleby Methodist Church is located on Chapel Street in Appleby. It has regular services, including Sunday worship, prayer meetings, and Bible study groups.
  • St Anne's Catholic Church is located on Station Road in Appleby. It is an active church with regular Mass services, confession, and other religious services.

Local sports clubs: Some local sports clubs in the area, such as the Appleby Bowls Club, offer social activities for older people, including club events and social outings.

On Fridays, the Cricket Club hosts a Warm Spot which provides a space for people to meet to enjoy hot food, a chat, and a quiet activity.

The Art’s Society Appleby is open to anyone interested in the arts, whether they are amateur or professional artists, art enthusiasts, or collectors. The society offers a program of talks, workshops, and visits to galleries and exhibitions throughout the year. 

Membership is open to anyone interested in the arts and the annual membership fee covers the cost of attending events, workshops, and exhibitions. The society also welcomes non-members to attend their events for a small fee.


Sports and Social Clubs 

The Appleby Golf Club is located on Brackenber Moor in Appleby. It is a members-only club that offers a challenging 18-hole golf course and a welcoming clubhouse.

The Appleby-in-Westmorland Society is a local history society that organizes talks, visits, and social events to promote the history and heritage of Appleby and its surrounding areas.

The Appleby WI promotes women's education, skills, and interests. They organize regular meetings, social events, and fundraising activities for charity.

The Appleby Rotary Club promotes community service, peace, and goodwill. They organise regular meetings, social events, and fundraising activities for local and international causes.

Our Private Care Agency in Cumbria Can Help

We are a trusted family care agency in Penrith and work throughout the Eden Valley, Carlisle and Keswick. We specialise in companionship care, personal care, assisted living, and dementia care services. Our dedicated team provides exceptional support to people in the comfort of their own homes.

If you would like advice about In-home care in Cumbria, contact our care manager, Colette Russell:

Tel: 07889 706 852

You might also like to join our Facebook group Care Begins at Home where you can ask our care experts any questions you may have, meet others caring for a loved one and stay up to date with all the latest health and social care news. 

Private Care in Cumbria: Our Branches

Take a look at our home care branches in Cumbria. We cover these main towns and all the surrounding villages and hamlets:

Private Care Appleby Cumbria 

Private Care Penrith 

Private Care Carlisle

Private Care Brampton

Private Care Kirkby Stephen