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Safeguarding for Home Carers in Cumbria
This guide serves as a safeguarding resource for home carers in Cumbria. Section One provides information on safeguarding principles, Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board and compliance with the Care Quality Commission. It outlines the basic safeguarding procedures and values of Eden Country Care for home carers.
Section Two is accessible only to Eden Country Care employees and contains links to their annual refresher training and safeguarding videos.
Section One
Home Care Services in Cumbria; Safeguarding Principles
There are 6 main principles of safeguarding as outlined in the Care Act:
Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent
Prevention: It is better to take action before harm occurs.
Protection: Support and representation for those in greatest need.
Proportionality: The least intrusive response is appropriate to the risk presented.
Partnerships: Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.
Accountability: Accountability and transparency in safeguarding practice.
Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB)
The Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB) is a vital organisation dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable adults in Cumbria. Comprising various organisations, including local authorities, health agencies, and the police, CSAB collaborates to prevent and address abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Their collective efforts aim to create a protective environment where adults at risk can thrive free from harm.
The Care Quality Commission and Safeguarding
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care services in England. It plays a vital role in ensuring that care providers deliver high-quality, safe, and effective services.
Regulation 13: Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
Regulation 13, under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, is a crucial framework designed to safeguard people receiving care. Its primary focus is on preventing any form of abuse or improper treatment, including discrimination or unlawful restraint.
As a home carer, it is essential to be aware of Regulation 13 and its implications for the care you provide. This regulation emphasises the following key points:
- Home carers must actively safeguard people from any form of abuse, be it physical, emotional, financial, sexual, or neglect. This includes discriminatory practices.
- People under your care have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Home carers should promote an environment that upholds their autonomy and personal choices.
- Unlawful restraint, restricting an individual's freedom without legal justification, is strictly prohibited. Carers should ensure that any restrictions comply with the law.
- Carers should be familiar with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, especially when dealing with individuals who may lack capacity. Decisions made on their behalf must align with their best interests.
Why should carers be aware of this regulation?
- Awareness of Regulation 13 contributes to providing high-quality care, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for those under your care.
- CQC regularly assesses care providers for compliance with regulations, including Regulation 13. Adherence to these standards positively impacts CQC assessments.
- Being aware of Regulation 13 is not only a legal requirement but also an ethical responsibility for carers. It reflects a commitment to upholding the well-being and rights of individuals in care.
Eden Country Care Safeguarding Principles for Home Carers
Zero Tolerance Approach
Carer's Role: Vigilantly observe and report any signs of abuse or neglect promptly.
In Practice: Actively engage with clients, noting any unusual behaviour, unexplained injuries, or changes in mood. Report concerns immediately to the Care Manager.
Core Principles of Safeguarding
Carer's Role: Embrace principles of empowerment, prevention, and accountability in daily interactions.
In Practice: Empower clients in decision-making, proactively prevent potential risks, and maintain a high level of accountability in care provision.
Mental Capacity, Consent, and Best Interests
Carer's Role: Respect client autonomy, provide support, and act in their best interests when needed.
In Practice: Understand and honour clients' decisions, offer necessary support, and engage in best-interest decision-making when they lack capacity.
Liberty Protection Safeguards
Carer's Role: Uphold and respect individual rights, ensuring dignity in care provision.
In Practice: Tailor care experiences to individual preferences, respecting their rights, and incorporating dignity into daily interactions.
Preventing Abuse, Harm, and Neglect
Carer's Role: Implement safeguards to assess, prevent, and minimise the likelihood of abuse, harm, and neglect.
In Practice: Adhere to policies on equality, diversity, and confidentiality. Actively engage in open communication, encouraging client feedback.
Ongoing Professional Development
Carer's Role: Engage in induction and update training for continuous learning.
In Practice: Attend training sessions to recognize signs of abuse, stay updated on best practices, and understand the latest legislation.
Ensuring Safe Activities and Outings
Carer's Role: Contribute to comprehensive risk assessments and adhere to multi-agency guidelines.
In Practice: Collaborate with the Care Manager for thorough risk assessments before activities, following expert guidelines to ensure safety.
Mandatory Reporting to the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Carer's Role: Immediately report any suspicions or allegations of abuse to the Care Manager.
In Practice: Document concerns thoroughly, including date, time, location, and impact on the client.
Allegations Made Against Staff
Carer's Role: Report suspicions against colleagues promptly, ensuring a safe environment for clients.
In Practice: Cooperate with investigations, maintain confidentiality, and contribute to a culture that prioritises client safety.
Duty of Candour at Eden Country Care
Carer's Role: Embrace openness and transparency in all interactions.
In Practice: Acknowledge incidents promptly, learn from experiences, and actively contribute to continuous improvement for enhanced care quality.
Forms of Abuse
The care and support statutory guidance identifies ten types of abuse. These are:
Carer's Role: Recognise and report indications of different abuse types.
In Practice: Be vigilant for signs such as unexplained injuries, changes in behaviour, or unusual difficulty in walking or sitting. Report suspicions promptly.
Section 2
This section is only accessible to Eden Country Care employees who are able to access our staff training portal.
Safeguarding Annual Refresher Training Form
To answer the training questions you will need to watch this short video about Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board.