Private Home Care in Penrith
Health & Safety Training Update
Please read the following information and then complete the Health & Safety Annual Update.
Documentation Management
All essential documents are stored either in the on-site client folder or accessed through the Tagtronics App. The Client Care Plan, which outlines the client's care preferences and includes Care Worker Risks & Client Risk assessments, is vital. Policies and procedures are accessible on the Staff Intranet site and portal.
Home carers and staff visiting clients' homes must familiarise themselves with the Care Plan and Risk assessments prior to the care visit. This proactive approach is essential for accident prevention, ensuring the safety of both employees and clients during in-home care in Penrith.
Health & Safety Legislation
Each employee providing private home care bears responsibility for health and safety. Prior to attending a care visit at a client's home reading the Care Plan, including stated risks and mitigations, is imperative. In case of uncertainty or absence of documentation on the TAG app, contacting the office for guidance is advised.
Key Legislation
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA): This foundational legislation places general duties on employers, employees, and others to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all persons at work.
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Detailed requirements on risk assessment, planning, organization, control, monitoring, and review of health and safety measures for in-home care in Penrith.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992: Guidance on minimizing the risk of injury from manual handling activities, particularly relevant in private home care.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002: Applicable when handling substances harmful to health during private home care in Penrith.
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992: Specifies employer responsibilities for providing, maintaining, and ensuring proper use of PPE in private home care.
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR): Obliges home carers in Penrith to report work-related incidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER): Pertains to the safe use and maintenance of lifting equipment, crucial for in-home care.
Reporting Accidents, Incidents, and Risks
Employees are urged to promptly report potential risks or incidents to the office. Colette, the manager, should be contacted for investigation, and a written statement may be required.
When a Client Does Not Answer the Door
Locate the client promptly when they don't answer. Never assume they're out or the call was cancelled. If the client is unresponsive and appears unwell, contact 999 after informing the office.
Positive Risk Taking
While identifying potential risks, respecting clients' choices and enabling their independence is crucial. Clients should be advised on risks like overloaded extension cables while maintaining their autonomy.
Planning Your Shift and Staying Safe
Inform someone of your expected return time during private home care shifts ensuring you have the necessary supplies for emergencies.
Double-up Calls and Equipment Checks
For private home care in Penrith, care visits requiring two carers are pre-assessed due to identified risks. Before using equipment, ensure it is clean, in good working order, fully charged, and that the client can be safely supported with it.
Client Falls
Do not attempt to lift a fallen client. Call 999 if there are injuries; otherwise, assess the client's ability to stand and provide assistance accordingly.
Updating the Care Plan
Care Plans are under constant review. Inform Colette or the office team of any changes in the client's needs or preferences for timely updates to the Care Plan.