Joining our Group
Before you can join the group, an administrator will check your profile to ensure your not a Facebook commercial spammer. Your request might be rejected if you profile looks like an advert, event or a franchise. You may be rejected if you have joined over a 1000 groups/joined hundreds of groups recently or have a new profile.
To ensure our group remains a great space to talk about care we may take 24 hrs to approve your request to join. If you didn’t get to join the group, then it may be because your profile looks like a spammer. Leave it a bit longer and then try and join us again.
Allow your user profile to be @mentioned so that we can contact you if we need to before approving a post. Otherwise, we will contact you via Facebook messenger.
Our Group Etiquette
Please remember that the group is a positive space for sharing good practice about care. To make posts engaging we advise always writing an introduction for any video, picture or link you want to share. Posts without this introduction tend to be ignored.
Care for others in the group as you’d care for a loved one. It’s easy to misinterpret comments or discussions online so please If you find a comment or discussion to be confrontational then please ignore or diffuse comments. The administrators may delete an argument and ask you and other participants to take the exchange out of the group.
Pictures and Albums – when sharing these please make them available to the public and not just your friends.
Care Professionals
If you’re a professional in your field of work please don’t just post content from your Facebook page or website. Share your own knowledge and information relating to the care topics or the questions posted in the group. Once you’ve established yourself as a regular contributor then you can post content from your Facebook page and website but please include and introduction for other group members.
Keep within the scope
Our group is about sharing good practice in health and social care to support people to stay living independently at home. Posts that include infomercials, art, music, politics or cute animal pictures should be shared elsewhere.
Quality over quantity please
Please contribute interesting posts and content in the group as too many posts published at once can tend to be ignored.
Commercial products and services
The purpose of the group is to discuss care including new innovations and provide support for anyone caring either in a professional/non professional capacity. If you’re sharing a post about a product, please ensure this fits the scope of the group and explain why, e.g., a new product to help with mobility fits within the groups scope.
Help us with spammers
Please “hide and report” posts that are obviously Spam. This will help our administrators to keep spammers out of our group.
Facebook Apps
You may have given permission for Facebook apps to post on your behalf. Please check your permissions on these apps as these types of posts will be deleted and blocked immediately.
Following a post
Please click “turn on notifications for this post” if you want to follow a particular post.
Please do not use comments or posts to distribute web links to PDF versions of copyright protected books or invite people to contact you so you can distribute a story.
Our administrators
Administrators help to keep the group an informative and useful space for anyone caring for others and in doing so they may have to contact you if your posts don’t comply with the rules, scope and etiquette of the group. If you continue to ignore the guidelines or are abusive towards our administrators then you and the organisation you represent will be banned from the group.